In it’s latest Budget Submission, the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) has joined the PSA in calling for future funding for home medicines reviews (HMRs) to be paid out of the Medicare Benefits Schedule instead of the 6CPA. They have also called for ‘clear criteria for access, better program guidelines and improved monitoring of usage’.
Their submission strongly reinforces their support for HMRs as an effective means of reducing medication-related hospital admissions and encourages continued funding of the program.
Home Medicine Reviews Adverse events and medication errors have a significant impact on admissions and re-admissions to hospital. In Australia, hospital admissions associated with adverse events ranging from 5.6% of admissions in the general population to 30.4% of admissions in older Australians. The Australian and international literature shows that medication errors and adverse events are common after discharge from hospital. Australian studies indicate that up to 30% of hospital admissions among patients aged 75 years and over are related to medicine use. Medication misadventure is also attributed to around one third of unplanned hospital admissions.
CHF strongly supports Home Medicines Review (HMR) Program as an effective initiative aimed at reducing medication errors and so reducing unplanned hospital admissions. CHF considers HMRs to be an essential tool in cutting hospital re-admissions, reducing medication errors and lowering rates of adverse events.